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CDBTA Program Director,  Individual Therapist,

Skills Group Leader, Phone Coach

Kristi Galloway received her Master of Arts in Psychology: Clinical Counseling from The Citadel Graduate College and is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate practicing in Charleston, SC.

Kristi was intensively trained by Behavioral Tech: A Linehan Institute Training Company in both DBT and DBT-PE.  In addition to working with local private practice clinicians and a South Carolina state mental health agency she traveled to Zanzibar, Tanzania in 2017 to provide a dialectical behavior therapy based mindfulness skills group at two sober houses, one male and one female- allowing her to combine her passion for travel with her love for sharing Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Kristi formed Charleston DBT Associates in 2019 and is the Program Director. 

If you are interested in learning more about the CDBTA DBT program, or have any questions about our services, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy Foundational Training™

January 2017

This comprehensive training involves rigorous preparation, training, and homework. Just as DBT requires clients to make a full commitment to treatment and to attend all sessions, DBT training requires participants to attend the entire training, do their best to learn the material, and participate in a willing, committed manner.

Intensive Training in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol for PTSD

May 2019

This workshop provides intensive training in how to integrate PTSD treatment into standard DBT. The DBT Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE) protocol for treating PTSD, is one of the newest developments in DBT research and practice. This protocol can be added to standard DBT to allow for integrated treatment of PTSD, suicidal and self-injurious behavior, and other co-occurring problems.

Effective Approaches to Provide Caregiver Skills Training:

Managing Caregiver Therapy Interfering Behaviors 

November 2019

This clinical workshop led by Kelly Graling, Ph.D., Julie Orris, Psy.D., and Jessica Schneider, Psy.D at The 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy provided participants with strategies to intervene more effectively with caregivers in the context of DBT-A, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents. Presenters discussed the pros and cons of delivering caregiver skills training in the multi-family group and parents only skills groups. Presenters discussed the role of caregiver phone coaching and participants role-played effective validation and problem solving strategies.  

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for the Treatment of Eating Disorders

December 2020

Led by Dr. Lucene Wisniewski and Amy Kalasunas, LPCC-S, this advanced workshop provided training in how to apply motivation and commitment strategies, how to conceptualize and organize patient behavior in terms of priorities, and how to identify and address therapy-interfering behaviors on the part of the patient and therapist when treating clients with eating disorders to better practice DBT treatment strategies when working with clients diagnosed with an eating disorder.

Introduction to Radically Open

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT)

March 2021

Led by Kristen Fritsinger, MSW/LICSW, this workshop introduced the theoretical foundations, treatment strategies and skills underlying RO DBT for disorders of over-control. RO DBT is fully manualized and supported by three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and one nonrandomized trial. RO DBT uses dialectical and behavioral strategies, to address the core problem of over control associated with emotional loneliness, not emotion dysregulation, while addressing low openness and social signaling deficits.

Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure with Adolescents

June 2023

Led by Lorie Ritschel, PhD, this workshop provided clinicians with advanced training in how to apply the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol (DBT PE) for PTSD with high-risk and multi-problem adolescents. This protocol can be added to standard DBT to allow for integrated treatment of PTSD, suicidal and self-injurious behavior, and other co-occurring problems. This training addresses the nuances of including families in DBT PE such as getting consent, making trauma-related disclosures, orienting the whole family to treatment, leveraging the family to support the treatment and addressing family therapy interfering behaviors. 




30 minutes



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90 minutes

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